Current year Actuals data is pulled from 1 table:
GTRAN - G/L Transactions
For previous year Actuals, data is pulled from:
GTLYN - Last Year G/L Transactions
Opening Balances
Retrieved from GLMT
FinanceDrillThrough Table
For Activity and Opening Balances, data is written to the FinanceDrillThrough table which looks like this:
Column_name | Type | Length | Nullable |
Entity | nvarchar | 64 | no |
Account | numeric | 9 | no |
Period | numeric | 5 | no |
JournalType | nvarchar | 2 | yes |
TranDate | datetime | 8 | yes |
TranSource | nvarchar | 4 | no |
Amount | numeric | 9 | no |
RefNum | nvarchar | 20 | yes |
RefDesc | nvarchar | 60 | no |
RevEntry | nvarchar | 2 | yes |
Century | numeric | 5 | yes |
Year | numeric | 5 | yes |
PostDate | datetime | 8 | yes |
Batch | numeric | 5 | yes |
MinorSalesCode | nvarchar | 6 | yes |
MajorSalesCode | nvarchar | 6 | yes |
The GetFinanceDrillThrough stored procedure calls functions that explode rollups into base level members.