Wednesday, July 8, 2009

BPC Drillthrough for CMS Actuals

Actuals Activity

Current year Actuals data is pulled from 1 table:

GTRAN - G/L Transactions

For previous year Actuals, data is pulled from:

GTLYN - Last Year G/L Transactions

Opening Balances

Retrieved from GLMT

FinanceDrillThrough Table

For Activity and Opening Balances, data is written to the FinanceDrillThrough table which looks like this:

Column_name Type Length Nullable
Entity nvarchar 64 no
Account numeric 9 no
Period numeric 5 no
JournalType nvarchar 2 yes
TranDate datetime 8 yes
TranSource nvarchar 4 no
Amount numeric 9 no
RefNum nvarchar 20 yes
RefDesc nvarchar 60 no
RevEntry nvarchar 2 yes
Century numeric 5 yes
Year numeric 5 yes
PostDate datetime 8 yes
Batch numeric 5 yes
MinorSalesCode nvarchar 6 yes
MajorSalesCode nvarchar 6 yes


The GetFinanceDrillThrough stored procedure calls functions that explode rollups into base level members.

Pulling Data From CMS into BPC

Several Files (tables) in CMS are used when pulling data.

MAST - G/L Chart of Account Header
GLMT - G/L Chart of Account Totals for Year

Most of the data comes from GLMT. That is, activity and opening balance comes from GLMT. Properties like account type and company are retrieved from MAST.

Retrieving data from any system requires the same thing. Pulling Company(Entity), Account, Account Type (P&L, BS), Opening Balance and Activity. In some cases, Company is broken up as well such as Payroll and Operations. In those cases that breakdown must be retrieved as well.